Flying Cow Ranch



Flying Cow Restaurant

  • 1.When is the service hours?+

    1. Lunch time is 11:00am~14:00pm; while dinner time is 17:00pm~20:00pm.
    2. Lunch and dinner are made available for group booking at 11:00am~12:30pm or 12:40pm~14:00pm.
  • 2.What is the price for the meal? Is there any minimum charge?+

    • Share meal
      NT$3,000/10 persons
      NT$3,500/10 persons
      NT$4,500/10 persons
      NT$5,500/10 persons
    • Single orders are also made available with an extra charge required for wine and drinks.
  • 3.How many people can the restaurant accommodate?+

    At present, there are a total of 59 tables to accommodate 590 persons.
  • 4.Is there a minimum charge?+

  • 5.Is there any vegetarian meal available?+

    Yes, we also provide vegetarian meal.
  • 6.Is the pet allowed?+

    Pets are not allowed in the restaurant.
  • 7.Can I make a reservation in advance?+

    Yes, you are welcomed to contact our marketing department at 037-782999 after selecting your ideal meal price.
  • 8.Is there any baby dinning chair available?+

    Yes, you may notify our service staff while making your order.
  • 9.Should I buy an entrance ticket after I make a reservation for the meal?+

    Yes, entrance fee and meal fee are charged separately.
  • 10.Is there any discount offer if I buy the entrance ticket?+

    There is currently no discount offer from buying an entrance ticket. However, you can exchange your entrance ticket for a cup of dairy product.
  • When is the service hours?+

    1. Lunch time is 11:00am~14:00pm; while dinner time is 17:00pm~20:00pm.
    2. Lunch and dinner are made available for group booking at 11:00am~12:30pm or 12:40pm~14:00pm.
  • How many people can the restaurant accommodate?+

    At present, there are a total of 59 tables to accommodate 590 persons.
  • Is there any vegetarian meal available?+

    Yes, we also provide vegetarian meal.
  • Can I make a reservation in advance?+

    Yes, you are welcomed to contact our marketing department at 037-782999 after selecting your ideal meal price.
  • Should I buy an entrance ticket after I make a reservation for the meal?+

    Yes, entrance fee and meal fee are charged separately.
  • What is the price for the meal? Is there any minimum charge?+

    • Share meal
      NT$3,000/10 persons
      NT$3,500/10 persons
      NT$4,500/10 persons
      NT$5,500/10 persons
    • Single orders are also made available with an extra charge required for wine and drinks.
  • Is there a minimum charge?+

  • Is the pet allowed?+

    Pets are not allowed in the restaurant.
  • Is there any baby dinning chair available?+

    Yes, you may notify our service staff while making your order.
  • Is there any discount offer if I buy the entrance ticket?+

    There is currently no discount offer from buying an entrance ticket. However, you can exchange your entrance ticket for a cup of dairy product.
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