Flying Cow Ranch



All Files

  • Special Offer for Freshman Welcome Party in 2018

    A special offer is provided for whoever contact us through phone calls.

  • Booking list for campsite.

    Booking Procedure: always make sure there are enough vacancies for all of you by making a phone call in advance.

  • Precautions for making group visit badge

    After making your group visit badge, make sure to fax it to the marketing department at 037-782399 for the convenience of identification at the ticket booth on the day of the activity. Thank you.

  • Price list for birthday cake

    Please outline the date, price, quantity, contact number and fax number in details.

  • 2018 General Price List

    Hotel Room|Conference Room|General Cleaning Charge|Campsite Cleaning Charge|Catering Service|DIY Activity..

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