Flying Cow Ranch



FAQs for Dairy Cattle

【Dairy Cattle】
Dairy cattle likes to eat pangola grass, dry pangola grass, pangola grass silage, forage maize and swamp foxtail grass.
Since the dairy cattle does not have any upper incisor, it rolls the grass with its tongue into its mouth. The main purpose of swinging its head backward is to pull the grass off for food.
Dairy cattle is a kind of animal species with horns.
However, since the dairy farmers are afraid that the herd may get injured and have their milk production affected by the collective pushing and colliding, alkaline drugs are applied to the head of newborn calf one month after birth so that the horns won't grow out.
Milk freshly squeezed from female dairy cattle has a temperature of about 35℃. After processing and sterilizing, the milk is ready to serve. Fresh milk should always be kept under a refrigeration of 4℃ when not in use.
Since the milk contains a great amount of calcium, it is also considered as food for strong bones.


How many stomachs does a dairy cattle have?      The answer is 4!

What are the functions of these stomachs ?    1. Rumen ruminates and ferments.  2Reticulum absorbs moisture and minerals. 3. Omasum absorbs nutrients through bloodstream.  4. Abomasum digests.
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