Flying Cow Ranch



FAQs for Handmade Ice-cream

What kinds of ingredients are we going to use to make an ice-cream? What are the functions of these ingredients?
 1. Sugar is to increase sweetness 2. High-quality milk is to increase flavor and provide better texture 3. Fresh cream is to provide fat and protein that solidify under refrigeration
        4. Raw egg yolk is to provide lecithin as a natural emulsifier to emulsify all protein, fat, and water

Why does ice cream taste fluffy and creamy?
 Fresh cream has high-fat contents in which both fat and protein solidify under refrigeration. By blending the air into the fat ball, pores will be generated to provide a fluffy and creamy texture.

What are some of the reasons that lead to an unsuccessful ice-cream production?
 1. Slow blending may lead to insufficient air input. 2. Incomplete cooldown in the pot. 3. Insufficient milk fat.
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